The Trans Teruel Tour 7 days (6 nights) by mountain bike through “España Vacia” (Empty Spain), consists of a route of 276 km and 5,833 m. of accumulated unevenness. The essence of Btt pedaling for 5 days. Deserted and desolate landscapes, almost wild, between extensive forests and wide pastures… Discovering Empty Spain where the passage of time seems different and the abandonment of the territory shows a surprising landscape.

Así pues, Trans Teruel MTB. Entonces, Empty Spain. Luego, Trans Teruel España Vacía. Además, MTB. 

Así pues, España Vacía. Luego, Trans Teruel. También, MTB Teruel. Además, MTB Tour. Y Teruel.

Day 1.- Teruel. Base of the Trans Teruel Tour 7 days

Arrival in Teruel for the Trans Teruel Route 7 days Btt. If there’s time, visit the town making a prominent appearance in the neighborhood of the old town. Dinner (not included) in the town and accommodation in a good Hotel.

Includes: Accommodation in a good Hotel.

Así pues, España Vacía. Luego, Trans Teruel. También, MTB Teruel.

Day 2. Teruel – Virgen de la Vega (Alcalá de la Selva). The adventure of the Trans Teruel Route 7 days begins!

60 Km. – 1,360 m. accumulated difference +.

Having had breakfast, the Trans Teruel Route 7 days leaves Teruel in the direction of Conca. And before the motorhome parking lot, the route leaves for the Dinópolis Amusement Park (and also the museum). It is one of the largest paleontology museums in the world.

You soon follow a track in a north-east direction, which soon reaches the “Fuente Cerrada”. This will be a common pattern throughout the route: picnic areas located at the entry/exit springs of all towns. Some, even with a small shelter or hermitage… or both!

The Trans Teruel Tour 7 days goes through magnificent pine forests following the Camino de Escriche. The first big surprise of the day, a large restored house, next to a church (also restored…and an area of half-built abandoned apartments). “Terol Exists!” You continue to climb between huge pine forests for 6 – 7 km in which the landscapes become relatively barren until you reach the hermitage of Santa Quiteria, next to a snack bar and a fountain. One of the sides of the hermitage is a good and practical shelter for shepherds and hikers. A good place to sit and rest. Finally, Cedrillas. There is a bar restaurant (which is also a hostel and meeting place for the village) and the existence of several meat companies that have brought in foreigners who are repopulating the village is a positive surprise.

AFTERNOON Entonces, MTB por la España Vacía. Luego, Trans Teruel MTB Tour. Y también, Trans Teruel MTB Route.s

Leaving Cedrillas, the route goes up to Monteagudo del Castillo, occasionally entering the town to observe a beautiful wall portal.

Soon the most beautiful section of the day begins, crossing an extensive valley between pastures and forests (above 1,500 meters) following one of the many local PRs that already enters the Sierra de Gúdar. The wide initial track becomes narrower and narrower until, just before it becomes uncyclable, it turns off to descend towards Alcalá de la Selva.

The change of scenery is amazing. Both Alcalá de la Selva – which still retains some of its old town charm – and, above all, the tourist area of Mare de Déu de la Vega are almost exclusively due to the tourism of the nearby ski slopes de Valdelinares. Hotels, apartments, apart-hotels, hostels, boot hire, skis… For Valencians, they are the nearest slopes.

Dinner and accommodation is in a magnificent Hotel a la Mare de Déu de la Vega, 1 km from Alcalá. The luggage will also be there.

Includes: Breakfast, dinner and accommodation.

Así pues, España Vacía. Luego, Trans Teruel. También, MTB Teruel.

Day 3.- Alcalá de la Selva – Mora de Rubielos. What beautiful villages!

59 Km. – 1,292 m. accumulated difference +.

Today they cross some very beautiful villages: Móra de Rubiols (Mora de Rubielos) and especially Rubiols de Mora (Rubielos de Mora), where lunch is included, have a very special charm. On the signs it says: “one of the most beautiful towns in Spain”…

You climb up to the “alto del Espinar” (1,600 meters) with increasingly beautiful landscapes… What nice forests!!!!

After the church of Sant Miquel, a “leg breaking” stretch begins, you have to cross the valley from west to east, with constant ups and downs: patience!. However, the surroundings are a delight, between pastures and pine forests, some old half-abandoned buildings… ending at Mas del Cerrito, next to the road. It is only 2.5 km to the top.

You have to make a brutal climb (1 km), to a good viewpoint. Then, a very long descent (8 km and 500 m of elevation gain) to Nogueroles (Noguruelas), among beautiful forests, fields and farmhouses, mostly abandoned, pastures and herds… a wonderful environment. With 200 inhabitants, it looks alive and active. It has several establishments… and a pharmacy!. It has been favored by being on the road where many skiers go.

Even so, when leaving, the landscape becomes more barren and barren. After the Mas de la Chupadilla, leave the PR (occasionally, non-cyclable section) along a track that becomes quite bad as far as the Riera de Rubielos. How clean and crystal clear the streams of Teruel are! You enter Rubielos de Mora through an old cattle pass (with troughs on the walls).

Rubielos is really beautiful; it preserves the walls as well as the old town without “incongruous” and out-of-place buildings. Perhaps this is the key: everything retains the same style.


After lunch (included in the price) very close to the Town Hall and the Tourist Office (don’t miss the beautiful inner courtyard before lunch), the route continues towards Rubiols de Mora (Rubielos de Mora) following the GR of the Camino del Cid. First descend to the bottom of a ravine (996 m.) through a rather barren and dry landscape. But on the other side everything changes; while the route goes up to the Coll de Hoya Marín, the landscapes are thick forests along broken and often too abandoned paths. You can see herds of cattle, squirrels, roe deer always surrounded by overwhelming vegetation, which does not allow you to see beyond the forest environment…

After the pass, the route crosses the road and continues towards a snack area… but the Camino del Cid climbs on an impossible path and you have to descend the last four kilometers to Mora de Rubielos by road. There is accommodation in a magnificent Hotel. Dinner is not included (lunch was included) but the town has a large number of restaurants. Better to take the opportunity to take a walk and discover the charm of this beautiful town, as well as some good restaurants.

Mora de Rubielos may not have an old town as charming as Rubielos de Mora, but it does have a magnificent castle, which can be visited. impressive Its portals, walls…

Includes: Breakfast, lunch in Rubielos de Mora and accommodation in a good Hotel in Mora de Rubielos.

Así pues, Trans Teruel MTB. Entonces, Empty Spain. Luego, España Vacía. Además, MTB Routes.

Day 4 – Mora de Rubielos – Villel. Crossing the Sierra de Javalambre.

64 Km. – 925 m. accumulated difference +.

The 4th stage of the Trans Teruel Route 7 days begins after a good breakfast (included) at the hotel. It is advisable to visit the castle but, unfortunately, they open at 10:00am. If there’s time, it’s worth it.

The route goes west, towards the popular Valbona Reservoir. The road is good and you get there soon. Next, the paved GR8 leads to Valbona via the Hermitage of Loreto (it is quite common to find hermitages, sanctuaries and churches at the entrances and exits of towns).

Valbona appears, perhaps, without much charm. But soon the arcades of the Town Hall stand out, next to an old access portal. And nearby is the local Museum of Natural and Ethnographic History of the town… Quite interesting.

In any case, the route leads to La Puebla de Valverde alternating the Camino del Cid and the GR8. First, we go down to the bottom of the Mijares river, at 890 m. to go up, little by little along a series of excellent tracks with good rolling along the Vereda del Rio. If you continue along the Camino de los Ciegos (path of the blind) following the GR, you will descend to the bottom of the stream through a bed of stones. That is why the Trans Terol leaves the GR and goes down the asphalt, going up to La Puebla on the old road.

The village is crossed by Calle Mayor (Main Street), which changes its name several times, with several bars and restaurants. It’s worth taking a bite, because there won’t be another town until Cubla, almost 20 km further through a completely barren and desolate territory. Very barren and desolate.

Así pues, Trans Teruel MTB. Entonces, Empty Spain. Luego, Trans Teruel España Vacía. Además, MTB.


After La Puebla you have to cross the highway through several roundabouts to start the most impressive section of the day: the northern side of the Sierra de Javalambre..

After a very demanding first kilometer of ascent, the route climbs gently in stunning surroundings. The savannas are slowly disappearing, and the landscape becomes barren and lonely. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing for several miles around. Empty Spain. The landscape continues to be exceptionally impressive, with vast plains for several miles of almost flat land. Finally, the “siphon” of the ravine of Casa de la Guiñalda, a solitary farmhouse, which must be crossed with a last ascent, a demanding point. There are a few zigzag sections left and then the descent to Cubla.

But Cubla, with about 50 people, only has a tiny bar/social venue, where it is advisable to call ahead if you want to grab something…

Follow the Camino de les Lomas, heading west, following a local PR until reaching the Collado (Pass) de Roldán. Soon you leave the PR which goes straight down a very stony path to continue along the track to the road, which is less than a km. There remains a long stretch of tracks (where it connects again with the PR) for about 5 km, through landscapes that are sometimes plowed, sometimes barren, until you reach the gorge of the Túria river. Suddenly, the environment changes radically, riparian forest, sedge, with poplars, elms and oaks… It’s worth stopping at a spectacular holed rock. The track enters on time.

In Villel there is accommodation in the village’s old inn. A cozy, simple and familiar establishment, just off the road, where you will enjoy a good dinner.

Includes: Breakfast, dinner and accommodation at the Hotel.

Entonces, MTB por la España Vacía. Luego, Trans Teruel MTB Tour. Y también, Trans Teruel MTB Route.

Day 5.- Villel – Albarracín. Forests, forests and forests… of the Trans Teruel Route 7 days.

56 Km. – 1,659 m. accumulated difference +.

To the north-west of the Sierra de Javalambre rises the small but thick Peñarredonda mountain range, before Albarrasí. Without any notable peak and with average heights of 1,200 – 1,400 meters, it stands out for the large amount of pine forests. And above all, the Pinars de Rodeno. A sparsely populated mountain range with few and scattered small towns. Perhaps that is why an important republican detachment was installed there. And later, a large Maquis camp. And that’s why a small picnic is provided for lunch that you have to carry in your backpack (or we’ll bring it to you in the Assisted option). You can’t eat anywhere until Albarrasí… unless it’s the Festa Major or the high days of summer.

After breakfast, the longest and most constant climb of the day from the Fontsanta Sanctuary – and snack bar – to the Corral dels Bous. After a couple of ravines through a rather barren territory, you climb up to the Coll de Pradejos and then the Coll dels Burros crossing the asphalt.

This is where the old samples of the Civil War appear, in this empty and desolate space. The old structures of the camp are still visible…

After some passes, you reach Valdecuenca and later, Saldon. Both with less than 30 inhabitants (with fountains and some squares with benches for lunch) and communicated by a narrow, poorly paved track… We are in the middle of the evil called “Empty Spain” where the absolute lack of investments (in the last centuries) in the territory has caused migration to other lands. The consequences of strong Spanish centralism.

AFTERNOON Entonces, MTB por la España Vacía. Luego, Trans Teruel MTB Tour. Y también, Trans Teruel MTB Route.s

There are barely 10 km to go. El Camino Viejo (PR) goes directly to Albarracín (PR) but it is worth detouring (5 km) to visit the beautiful Paisaje Protegido de Pinares de Ródeno, a spectacular setting. Sometimes you have to walk a few meters to reach some of the most amazing points, such as the Mirador del Puerto (spectacular) or the La Cocinilla del Obispo area, the Fuente del Arrastradero. Also the Abrigo de las Figures Dispersas, the Abrigo del Medio Caballo, the Abrigo de los Two Caballos and the Abrigo de las Arquero de los Callejeros Cerrados.

Albarracín, one of the most beautiful towns in Teruel. Maybe too touristy in high season. Despite everything, it has an undeniable appeal, with the portals under the walls, the terraces, the entire network of alleys… and the magnificent walls.

Accommodation in a Hotel; the town has a lot of restaurants for dinner.

Includes: Breakfast, lunch (picnic) and hotel accommodation.

Además, Trans Teruel. También, España Vacía. Luego MTB Tour. Y MTB Routes. Finalmente, BTT.

Day 6 – Albarracín – Teruel. The final stretch.

37 Km. – 597 m. accumulated difference +.

Albarracín is charming. It is worth saying that, in every corner, in every corner, it looks wonderful… After breakfast, take a walking tour of the old town.

But the route continues… and the Paraje Protegido de Pinares de Rodena (Protected Area by Pine Trees of Rodena) is crossed again, this time from southwest to northeast to Gea d’Albarracín. There, there are several options to Teruel, but perhaps the most “crowded” among MTB fans is to follow the track, more or less parallel to the river Gaudalaviar to Teruel, passing through Sant Blai. It is a mainly downhill track (except for a small section where it departs from the riverbed and climbs towards the north) and with very good rolling, which reaches Teruel in a few hours. There is the luggage (and dinner) in the accommodation where you stayed the first night.

In the afternoon you can take a walk through Teruel, visiting the city, to complete the Trans Teruel Route 7 days / 6 nights.

Includes: Breakfast, dinner and hotel accommodation.

A continuación, MTB o Btt. Además, España Vacía. También Empty Spain. Luego, Trans Teruel Tour. 

Day 7.- Departure Teruel. 

After breakfast, departure from Teruel. End the Trans Teruel Tour 7 days.

Includes: Breakfast.


Trans Teruel Tour 7 Days / 6 Nights

  • Day 1.- Teruel. Includes: Accommodation H***
  • Day 2.-Teuel – Virgen de la Vega (Alcalá de la Selva). The adventure begins! Includes: Breakfast, dinner and accommodation H*** / H**
  • Day 3.– Alcalá de la Selva – Mosqueruelas. What beautiful towns!. Includes: Breakfast, dinner and accommodation H**
  • Day 4.– Mosqueruelas – Mora de Rubielos. Crossing the Sierra de Javalambre. Includes: Breakfast, lunch and accommodation H***
  • Day 5.- Mora de Rubielos – Villel. Forests, forests and forests… of the Trans Teruel Route 7 days. Includes: Breakfast, dinner and accommodation H**
  • Day 6.– Villel – Albarracín. The final stretch. Includes: Breakfast, lunch (picnic) and accommodation H**
  • Day 7.- Departure Teruel. Includes: Breakfast.
  • Luggage transport, from accommodation to accommodation.
  • Mandatory insurance.
  • Tracks in GPX and TRK format
  • PDF route maps. 

Luego, MTB Tour. También, Trans Teruel. Y Btt Trans Teruel MTB Tour. Además, Teruel Routes MTB.


  • Meals NOT specified.
  • Syrups, coffees, spirits and other extras NOT specified in the menus of the contracted restaurants/hotels.
  • Tickets to museums, access to facilities and visits during the route.
  • Others NOT specified.
  • Bike (MTB) / Electric Bikes (E-Bikes)
  • GPS

Luego, MTB Tour. También, Trans Teruel. Y Btt Trans Teruel MTB Tour. Además, Teruel Routes MTB.